The Substitute Princess's Love

Plot Synopsis

"The SubstitutePrincess's Love" tells the story of the "mature"prince and the "loli"princess who ignite sparks of love despite their age difference.

Warrior Wen Ye dies on the battlefield on the eve of his wedding, and the entire nation mourns his loss. The intended bride was the legitimate daughter of the Shen family, but Lady Shen does not want her daughter to become a widow and fears the backlash of breaking off the engagement. She discovers Shen Ke Yi, her illegitimate daughter who has been living outside the family, and forces her to take the bride'splace. Due to a misunderstanding in the war report, Wen Ye returns victorious to the capital, and Shen Ke Yi, who married into the royal family, becomes the trueprincess. However, she and theprince become apair of bickering lovers, and they gradually developa genuine spark of love. After overcoming various difficulties, they ultimately come to understand the true meaning of love andprotection. In the end, they join hands and seek a simple andpeaceful life, cherishing theprecious moments that belong only to the two of them.

Cast & Role

Wen Ye

Wen Ye
(Guo Pin Chao)

Zhou Yu

Zhou Yu
(Ren Yun Jie)

Shen Ke Yi

Shen Ke Yi
(Zhang Miao Yi)

Zuo Shuang Zhi

Zuo Shuang Zhi
(Liu Zhi Wei)