Episode 23 recap: Everyone discovered that there was no Huang Chao's treasure after all.
After Ma Long's manipulation, the stone door unexpectedly opened! One by one, everyone entered the cave through the stone door, carefully observing everything. On the wall, they found a pattern of nine phoenixes and mysterious horses. They all took out their masks to protect themselves. However, Ma Long, Ba Dou, and Zeng Xiao Gong were unaffected. It turned out that they had previously been exposed to this poison and had developed immunity.
As they continued walking inside, they noticed that the armors started moving on their own. The whip, thinking it had encountered ghosts, immediately turned and ran away. Xuan Ju thought they could take a different route and left as well. As they proceeded, Ma Long and Zeng Xiao Gong discovered that the whip had collapsed on the ground. What could have happened? After examining the body, Ma Long realized the danger. Suddenly, the armor activated and launched an attack against the two. They fought back with all their strength, and Ba Dou joined in to help. However, the armor hesitated when attacking Zeng Xiao Gong, and the group took advantage of the opportunity to subdue it.
Mu Lao appeared shortly after, searching for his treasure. Mu Lao refused to believe that there was no treasure and went into a frenzy. At that moment, the armor quietly broke free from its restraints and resumed its attack. Seeing his companions falling one by one, Mu Lao panicked. The mask of the armored person was accidentally removed, and Ma Long recognized the individual. He remembered the sound of the xun and realized that it could control the armor.
Mu Lao refused to accept this fact and started shooting randomly. Accidentally, he shot down Sun Bei Shan. At the last moment, Sun Bei Shan stated that the sound of the xun couldn't stop him. At that moment, a strange sound was heard, and the cave began to collapse. The group hurriedly escaped.
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