Plot Synopsis
In the late Qing Dynasty and early Republican era, the wealthy Lin family was annihilated overnight. Lin Mengchen, the sole surviving daughter of the Lin family, was sold to the unscrupulous Huang family. She was forced into a ghost marriage with their deceased son and was about to be buried alive. At that critical moment, Xiao Sheng, the topassassin of the blood sacrifice hall, received a mission to eliminate the Huang family and coincidentally saved Mengchen's life. Mengchen witnessed the entireprocess of Xiao Sheng's killings, but instead of being afraid, she considered him her benefactor. Xiao Sheng decided to keepMengchen by his side, treating her as his sister and vowing toprotect her for the rest of his life.
Over the course of ten years, Xiao Sheng lived dual identities toprovide Mengchen with a good upbringing. In front of Mengchen, heposed as a merchant named Ye, conducting business for a foreign company. However, in the hidden depths where Mengchen couldn't see, he remained the head assassin of the blood sacrifice hall. What Xiao Sheng didn't know was that his innocent and naive sister, Mengchen, had actually discovered his true identity. She secretly joined the blood sacrifice hall and became his female disciple, Gu Yu, a new assassin.
Episodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-15
- 16-20
- 21-22