Episode 7 recap: Xiao Zhe warned Xia Ze.
Xia Ze heard a knock at the door and thought it was his father Xia Gang returning, but when he opened the door, he found it was Officer Geng with a group of people there to conduct a search. Ma Zhuo was sitting in the back, conflicted and yet expectant, wanting to know the truth but also fearing it was related to Xia Gang. Officer Geng asked Xia Ze the last time he had seen Xia Gang, then mentioned Xia Hua, and Ma Zhuo walked over with an impassive expression.
Officer Geng hinted to Xia Ze that if Xia Gang returns, he must inform them, or else he will face collateral responsibility. Xia Ze felt uneasy.
Officer Geng revealed that based on the murder weapon and the examination of Chen Guo Guo's body, he believes the killer harbored deep resentment. He also learned that Xia Gang may have driven directly to the crime scene, but this still needs to be verified.
Officer Geng felt that Xia Gang is the key and they must find him quickly. Xia Ze kept calling Xia Gang, and Ma Zhuo irritably pointed out that the police think Xia Gang killed someone and fled, but Xia Ze firmly believes his father is innocent. Ma Zhuo angrily scolded Xia Ze's family for always being involved in violence, which hurt Xia Ze.
Xia Ze was hurt by Ma Zhuo's misunderstanding, and Ma Zhuo regretted not cherishing the time with Chen Guo Guo. Xia Hua sympathized with Xia Ze and harbored doubts about Xia Gang's guilt. Ma Zhuo's emotions were complex, and Xia Ze vowed to find Xia Gang to clear things up for Ma Zhuo.
Ma Zhuo dined with Xiao Zhe and Yu An Duo, and Xia Ze unexpectedly showed up, making Ma Zhuo feel uncomfortable. Xiao Zhe considered Ma Zhuo and advised Xia Ze to leave. Yu An Duo comforted Ma Zhuo, but Ma Zhuo was saddened by his mother's change in attitude.
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