Plot Synopsis
In the bustling city, Han Xingyue was once an admired career executive, and her name represented success andpower. However, for the sake of her family and children, she chose a differentpath and became a full-time housewife. She thought this was her deepest love for her family, but little did she know that it would be the most thrilling turningpoint in her life.
Ding Bo, her husband, was once her reliance andpartner in life. However, as time went by, he became increasingly unfamiliar. Han Xingyue gradually discovered that he not only had an affair but also transferred their shared assets. All the trust and efforts turned into nothing in an instant. She felt anger, disappointment, and above all, helplessness.
But Han Xingyue didn't choose to stay silent. She decided to fight back, using the strength and strategizing skills she had honed in her career to confront this scoundrel. She collected evidence, exposed Ding Bo's true face, and left his lies and deceit with nowhere to hide. In this battle, she was no longer just a full-time housewife solely focused on taking care of her family; she became a warrior full ofpower and wisdom.
After a series of struggles, Han Xingyue finally emerged victorious.