Plot Synopsis
He Luyan, an ordinary online literature editor, excels at crafting various fantasy love stories. Qi Lin, apassionate hotel entrepreneur, dreams of building a unique hotel empire. However, when He Luyan's words come to life, their destinies become closely intertwined.
By a stroke of luck, both He Luyan and Qi Lin are transported into the satirical world created by He Luyan. In this fantastical realm, He Luyan becomes an undercover guest room manager, while Qi Lin becomes the hotel'spresident. Their assigned roles seem like a twist of fate, but it sets off a series of thrilling adventures.
In this unfamiliar world, He Luyan must conceal her true identity while gaining as much knowledge aspossible about Qi Lin and the hotel's operations. Meanwhile, Qi Lin must handle unexpected challenges while facing internal betrayals and externalpressures.
As they engage in a battle of wits, a deepbond gradually forms between them. However, with theprogression of the story, betrayals and separations follow suit. He Luyan is forced to leave the hotel, while Qi Linplunges into deepself-blame and anguish.
Yet, fate is always full of miracles. After enduring a series of twists and turns, the two eventually reunite and embark on a journey together. They face difficulties as a team, overcome challenges, and create a fantastical world of their own.