Plot Synopsis
In the turbulent era of the Republic of China, a seemingly ordinary dancer's murder case unexpectedly triggered the sensitive nerves of the dark forces in the southecity. Gu Manqing, a woman with a tragic background, has relied on her dancing sister since childhood. However, on her wedding day, fateplayed a cruel joke on her—she witnessed Lu Yichuan brutally killing her own sister.
On her wedding night, Gu Manqing attempted to avenge her enemy Lu Yichuan but failed and was forced to escape by jumping out of a window. From then on, she hid her identity and started a brand new life. However, she did not give upher desire for revenge. Instead, she meticulouslyplanned her revengeplot. She was willing topay anyprice, risking her remaining years, and infiltrated the Lu family, becoming Lu Yichuan's stepwife.
In the Lu family, Gu Manqing cleverly concealed her true identity and gradually approached Lu Yichuan stepby step. She utilized her intelligence and unwavering determination to launch a deadly revenge against Lu Yichuan. However, just as she was about to succeed, she discovered a bigger conspiracy lurking behind it all.