Plot Synopsis
Princess Yongzhao Fengyuan and Young Master Linchuan Helianxi, two individuals whose destinies are intertwined, once made a lifelong vow in secret. However, their decision sparked a devastating genocide. Three years later, the cycle of fate brings them together once again. This reunion is filled with trials and struggles, but it also holds redemption and hope. Their story is a love legend imbued with an Oriental charm, depicting how two souls intertwine and co-write aprofound and vibrant chapter of love amidst hardships and adversity.
Where to Watch "Hard to Find"
iQIYI (Subscription)MGTV (Subscription)MGTV Drama Channel Free (sub)Viki (Subscription)Cast & Role
Chun Po Po
(Li Man)
Wu Qing
(Ma Jia Ming)
A Sheng
(Wu Tian Hao)
Dong Li
(Wu Qian Yu)