Plot Synopsis
Luo Wan Wan, the outspoken daughter of the Minister of Rites, is known as a courageous 'heroine' in the martial world. While fleeing from an arranged marriage, she becomes entangled in a murder case and crossespaths with the Deputy Minister of the Dali Court, Li Yichen, who is still incognito. They start off as 'archenemies' but eventually become acquainted.
In order to uncover the truth, Luowangwan disguises herself as a man and enters the Dali Court, becoming an invaluable assistant to Li Yichen. Together, they work to eliminate wickedness, solve mysterious cases, uphold justice and the rule of law.
As they navigate through their shared adventures, a unique bond forms between Luowangwan and Li Yichen. They developan unconventional and humorous relationshipwhile facing various challenges and obstacles. Their journey becomes a tale of both laughter and tears, as they strive to maintain righteousness, unravel the truth, and embark on a captivating love story.