Plot Synopsis
"Mackerel Falls in Love with Cat" tells the tale of Yu Sanlian, an unassuming youth residing in Bayu Street in the Northeast. Confronted with various challenges while inheriting and managing his family's restaurant, Yu Sanlianperseveres through embarrassment and adversity.Pressured by his eldest sister, he assumes the reins of BayuPrincess Seafood Restaurant. On his first day in charge, Chen Ying Zi enters his life, an encounter that initiates a conflict between the two. However, amidst their clashes, an unexpected bond of affection blossoms. Defying the odds, Yu Sanlian finds growth and love, transcending the challenges of hispast.
Where to Watch "Mackerel Falls in Love with Cat"
TencentVideo (Subscription)Cast & Role
Wang Dong Yang
(Jin Kai Jie)
Na Zi
(Bai Ge)
Fan Jian She
(Liu Hua)
Cai Zhou Zhou
(Yi Yun He)