Plot Synopsis
Xu Yunlong, a remarkable businessprodigy, has garnered widespreadpraise and respect among hispeers for his exceptional business acumen and innovative strategies. Despite his success, however, it hassparked jealousy from Zhang Feng, the chairman'sprivileged son who covets his father'sposition. Unable to tolerate Xu Yunlong's brilliance threatening his own successionplans, Zhang Feng resolved to eliminate this obstacle.
In a bid to rid himself of Xu Yunlong, Zhang Feng resorted to underhanded tactics. Leveraging his wealth and influence, he诱导 Xu Yunlong's wife into betraying her husband and conspiring against him. Together, they hatched a viciousplot to discredit and torment Xu Yunlong relentlessly. Ultimately, he was brutally dumped into a river, his fate unknown.
Yet, in the nick of time, Xu Yunlong's resilience and cunning saved him from the brink of death. He escaped, renamed himself "Wu Ergou," concealed his identity, and began a fresh life as a humble son-in-law of a noodle shop. With a vow to defeat Zhang Feng and make a triumphant return, his comeback story is just beginning!
Cast & Role
Xu Yun Long
(Yuan Fu Fu)
Zhang Feng
(Sun Jian Qi)