Plot Synopsis
Ye Yi Fan, a once cheerful and sunny young man, swore revenge after his family suffered a tragic massacre. He transformed into a cold and ruthless figure known as "Mr. Mo," exuding an aura of mystery. In a fortuitous encounter, he met a dancer named Xia Zhiqiu, triggering a love game filled with suspense and emotional entanglement between hunter andprey.
Under Xia Zhiqiu's carefully orchestrated strategies, Ye Yi Fan gradually became ensnared in the whirlpool of emotions. However, while deeply immersed in love, he unexpectedly discovered Xia Zhiqiu's true identity—she was the daughter of his enemy, Gu Qing Yan! At the same time, in her quest for vengeance against her father's enemies, Gu Qing Yan set a trap, intending to lead Ye Yi Fan into an inescapable abyss. Yet, Ye Yi Fan willingly succumbed to love, unable to extricate himself.
In this intricate web of love and hatred between two swoenemies, theypull and entangle each other. Despite wearing masks, their genuine emotions surge like hidden currents deepwithin. They love each other deeply, yet the shackles of hatred and revengeprevent them from being completely honest with one another.
In the end, can they let go of their animosity and bravely face their feelings for each other?
Cast & Role
Ye Yi Fan
(Han Dong Lin)
Gu Qing Yan
(Cui Yi Liang)
Shen An Nian
(Zhao Yuan You)
Su Wan Yin
(Jiang Xi Rao)