Plot Synopsis
During the Republic of China era, Tao Zhen Yan, an inteforensic doctor, and Gu Nan Chuan, aprivate detective, found their destinies intertwined when a serial killer known as the "StampDevil" emerged. They joined forces to unravel the mysteries behind each case, which led them to the reappearance of the StampDevil in society. Both of them had a deep-seated hatred for the StampDevil, and their alliance marked the beginning of a confrontation between good and evil.
Where to Watch "Jian Zui Nv Fa Yi Zhi Yan Shi"
TencentVideo (Subscription)Cast & Role
Lin Shen
(Huang He Yuan)
Gu Nan Chuan
(Gao Ming Chen)
Zhou Zhou
(Qu Chu Yuan)
Tao Zhen Yan
(Dong Yan)