Plot Synopsis
"Dr. Spring" seamlessly incorporates thepopular gaming experiencepreferred by young individuals, integrating an engaging interactive structure. Centered around the high-concept of "restarting life," itpresents a collection of humorous and absurd tales centered on intedoctor Zhang Ziqi. Mistakenly embarking on the game's "adventure" mission, Zhang Ziqi assumes the role of Li Chunri, heiress of the Xiang family.
Driven by his desire to experience the lavish life of a young lady, Doctor Zhang Ziqi unexpectedly stumbles into the "adventure" game, only to discover he has become a sacrificialpawn. Unintentionally, he forms a symbiotic bond with assassin Ling Xinghe, forcing them into a deadly dance of mutual destruction to regain their footing in reality. Beneath the hilarious antics and madcapstruggle, however, lies a deeper, hidden conspiracy.
Where to Watch "Dr. Spring"
TencentVideo (Subscription)Cast & Role
Ling Xing He
(Wu Ji Feng)
Zhang Zi Qi 、 Li Chun Ri
(Xu Zi Yin)