Plot Synopsis
"The Revenge of Begonia" aired on Tencent Video on April 26, 2024.
The renowned actress in Yun City risks everything to avenge her senior brother and sacrifices herself by getting involved with He Xingzhou, the son of a warlord. She meticulously sets uptraps, using each stepto get closer to the center ofpower and gradually uncover the truth. Little did she know that her heart had already fallen amidst this calculated scheme... He Xingzhou, a cold-faced young general, is known as the Grim Reaper of Yun City. He seeks revenge against the darkness and decay of the world. Everyone believes that he accepts this willingly offeredplaything to retaliate against the once betrayed White Moonlight. However, little do they know that she is the only brightness that canpenetrate He Xingzhou's cold and dark heart... Despite the raging storms and thepersistence of the begonias, two cunning individuals who have exhausted all their tricks cannot escape the entanglements of love, falling deepinto a twisted and torturous relationship...
"The Revenge of Begonia" is adapted from the novel "Cried by the Big Boss after the Divorce" by Su Xiaojuan, a free novel author on Qimao.