Plot Synopsis
"The Missing Snowflakes" tells the story of the late Ming Dynasty during the Chongzhen era, a time of internal and external turmoil. The Ming Dynasty is on the verge of collapse, and a tragic self-immolation incident uncovers thepower struggles and greed-driven corruption within the Ming officials, revealing the bloody and brutal reality beneath the facade of the Qinhuai River's glamour. This event marks the beginning of the downfall of the Ming Dynasty.
In this chaotic era, a groupof ambitious individuals enter the stage. Gong Xiaosheng, the chief examiner, is cunning and manipulative, blurring the line between good and evil. Li Yufang, the brother of Li Xueyi, has a mysterious background and a tumultuous fate, yet he carries a rebellious hero's ambition. Zhang Yan, a high-ranking official who returned home after being dismissed, remains upright despite the hardships of the officialdom. Duke Zhu Guobi understands that the fate of the Ming Dynasty is nearing its end, but he uses the glamour of the Qinhuai River to deceive thepeople and satisfy hispersonal greed, ambition, and desire to seize the country.
Gu Meisheng and Li Xueyi, two courtesans from the lower class, rely on their wit and intelligence to navigate the treacherous world of thepowerful, struggling to survive amidst the conflicts of the aristocracy. The unfortunate circumstances andpainful experiences forge their indomitable spirit of the Qinhuai River.
Lin Huanhuan and Lin Shangshang are twin sisters. The younger sister, Huanhuan, was sent to the deepmountains to study medicine from a young age. Years later, the elder sister, Shangshang, falls in love with the crownprince, but the queen intentionally arranges her marriage to theprince, Shangshang commits suicide as a result. Huanhuan is forced to take her sister'splace and begins a tumultuous cohabitation with theprince.