Orange Soda

Plot Synopsis

In apeaceful small town, Zhou Yu, a simple and innocent girl, and Yan Ciyi, the typically aloof school heartthrob, have been childhood friends and bosom buddies. Fate brings them together with Cheng Yuzhou, a studious young man from a wealthy family, and their friendshipdeepens over time. However, fateplays a cruel joke on them, unexpectedly separating them and abruptly ending their youthful laughter and joy.

Many years later, when the three of them reunite in their hometown, the deep-seated love that has been buried in their hearts for years gushes forth uncontrollably like a suppressed spring. The youthful story of the small town, enriched by thepassage of time, unfolds once again in their lives, radiating a unique brilliance.

Cast & Role

Zhou Yu

Zhou Yu
(Li Kai Xin)

Liu Ji Fen
(Zhang Zhong Mei)

Chen Huan
(Wang Xing Yue)

Li Zhen
(Li Cheng Ze)