The Warrior

Plot Synopsis

Set in Yunjiang City during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the suspenseful love micro-drama "The Warrior" tells the story of Yan Yu Mo, a young woman from a family ofpainters who is actually a secret agent for the CommunistParty. After infiltrating the Kuomintang, she meets Gu Xin Cheng, a young man who works in apharmacy.

Through life-and-death trials, the two navigate between various forces, using their skills inpainting identification and forgery to uncover crucial strategic intelligence and thwart the Japanese army's warplans. Throughout the ordeal, they remain steadfast in their revolutionary beliefs, demonstrating their love for their country and undergoing significantpersonal growth.

Yan Yu Mo is a beautiful and talented art appraiser. With a single touch, she can discethe authenticity of anypainting. However, today she faces an unprecedented challenge. In just 10 minutes, she must identify the only genuine "MoonlightPine Creek"painting from dozens of identical copies. If she fails, the man who just saved her life will be shot.

Despite her reluctance, Yan Yu Mo has no choice but to comply. She needs to get this man out of there as soon aspossible, or their carefullyplanned operation could be compromised. She begins to examine eachpainting one by one, drawing on her extensive experience and keen observation skills to quickly identify the real from the fake. When she encounters somepoorly crafted forgeries, she can't helpbut scoff, mockingly saying, "The bigwigs upstairs haven't even let thepaste dry on this framedpainting before setting upthis test for me. At least do yourprepworkproperly."

Soon, she has identified all thepaintings, discarding the fakes one after another. However, just as she is about to complete the task, dozens morepaintings suddenly appear behind her. It is clear that someone is deliberately trying to make things difficult for her, hoping toprevent her from completing the mission.

The man who saved her sees this and can no longer contain his anger, erupting in a torrent of abuse. However, Yan Yu Mo remains calm and simply utters three words: "Tuoff the lights." No one understands what she is doing. She walks over to thepaintings, closes her eyes, and begins to touch them.

Because thepainter Fang Kunpreferred to use specially made silk for hispaintings, which was woven twice and therefore thicker, it was impossible to tell the difference with the naked eye. The only way to distinguish them was by touch. However, the sheer number of fakes was overwhelming, and as time ticked by, Yan Yu Mo began to feel increasingly anxious.

Meanwhile, the man who saved her quietly unlocks his handcuffs,preparing to escape at any moment. The last grain of sand finally falls, and Fu Shaokong's gun is immediately raised. The man quickly runs over and shields Yan Yu Mo with his body. Just as Fu Shaokong turns the gun to kill him, Yan Yu Mo grabs the nearby easel andpoints to apainting on the left, saying, "Thispainting on the left is the real one,painted by Fang Kun in his later years. It's right in front of you."

Her answer is correct. Fu Shaokong immediately makes one last request, inviting Yan Yu Mo to join the Kuomintang's Tongji Bureau, Third Division. Yan Yu Mo calmly replies, "Let him go, and I'll join." The man坚定地表示:“不行,要走一起走。”Yan Yu Mo安慰他道:“你放心吧,我没事的。”

Soon, the man is secretly sent away. And with that, Yan Yu Mo joins the Third Division. But what no one knows is that this was the first stepin herplan all along...

Where to Watch "The Warrior"

MGTV (Subscription)

Cast & Role

Yan Tian Chen
(Fan Lei)

Feng Zhu Zhu
(Li Xin)

Jiang Zhi Shui
(Li Ting)

Zuo Zuo Mu
(Ma Hong Lei)