Plot Synopsis
Zhou Mo, a 32-year-old corporate elite, serves as the vicepresident of a well-known social media company. In the workplace, her independent, confident, and decisive image has won the respect and admiration of her colleagues, making her a role model for the new generation of women. However, in the eyes of her close friends, she is a girl with an extremely strong sense of self-esteem and a soft heart, longing to be understood and cared for.
Despite her flourishing career, Zhou Mo's love life has been rather bumpy. She has encountered a few men with vastly differentpersonalities: the young, carefree "sugar boy" Jiang Qi, whose innocence and lightheartedness have brought her a rare sense of relaxation and happiness; the mature and steady business executive Yu Dazhi, whose sophisticated charm has captivated her; and her former lover Xia Yu, whose reappearance has left her conflicted and struggling.
Where to Watch "The Journey to Find True Love"
WeTV (Subscription)TencentVideo (Subscription)TencentVideo Free (sub)Cast & Role
Jiang Jun
(Huang Cai Lun)
Zhang Chao
(Li Fan Kai)
Qu Meng Meng
(Zhao Yi Lin)
Gong Ruo Nan
(Shi Ya Nan)