Let's Go Eat

Plot Synopsis

In the bustling metropolis, there lives an ordinary office worker named Miya. At the age of 26, she is amiable and caring at the office, diligently responsible, though sometimes she has to take the blame for her colleagues without being able to refute.

The monotonous and demanding 9-to-5 work routine is alleviated by the happiness she finds after work. As a singleperson, Miya does not rush back home immediately after leaving the office. Instead, shepurposefully takes a detour through the small street lined with eateries and restaurants. Sometimes she visits her regular haunt to savor her favorite delicacies, and other times she ventures to try new dishes on a whim.

After satisfying herpalate, she emanates a contented sigh. One cannot helpbut wish to sit beside Miya, sharing in thepleasure of enjoying good food alongside this young woman who truly savors the joys of living.

Where to Watch "Let's Go Eat"

YOUKU (优酷) (Subscription)