Plot Synopsis
In the 1990s, on a stormy night, a young boy named Zhaoyang in a small county town was mysteriouslypursued and his fate remained unknown. Two other youths who went missing with him also disappeared without a trace.
Three years later, one of the missing youths suddenly reappeared, disguising himself as apetty thief andpretending to have lost his memory to retuto his family. Was the truth behind this reunion genuine reconciliation or a mistake? The seemingly reunited family was actually hiding secrets and schemes.
A veteranpolice officer conducted a covert investigation, and after a cat-and-mouse chase, clues about the whereabouts of the other two missing youths also surfaced, gradually unveiling the truth behind a series of missingperson cases, human trafficking, accidental killings, and murder.
As the mystery unraveled, the veteranpolice officer and the "missing youth" achieved mutual redemption, culminating in this suspenseful family drama.
Where to Watch "Lost in the Shadows"
iQIYI (Subscription)Episodes Recap
- 1-4
- 5-8
- 9-12
- 13-16
Episode 1 : Bian Jie, who had been missing for three years, was found.
Episode 2 : Wang Shi Tu and Bian Jie officially met.
Episode 3 : Bian Jie is not the real Bian Jie.
Episode 4 : The relationship between Wang Shi Tu and Bian Jie has improved.
Episode 5 : Bian Jie discovered Jin Man Fu's secret.
Episode 6 : Bian Jie secretly investigated the case of the 417 missing persons.
Episode 7 : The substitute did not make it.
Episode 8 : Little Seven has returned to Qing Ye's side.
Cast & Role
Bian Mei Zhen
(Guo Ke Yu)
Jin Yan
(Chen Yu Si)
Qin Yong
(Li Jian)
Wang Shi Tu
(Zhang Song Wen)