Plot Synopsis
"Go to the Mountains and Sea" tells the story of Xiao Mingming, aperson who loves wuxia (martial arts) novels but has been wodown by the realities of life. Through theperspective of the novel's maleprotagonist, Xiao Qiu Shui, the story follows his journey through the martial arts world. He starts as a young swordsman with limited abilities but a fiery spirit, and ultimately grows into a righteous and compassionate hero whoprotects his home and country. Even after this journey, Xiao Mingming continues to write in his spare time, continuing to convey the belief thatpeople can come together for the sake of justice.
Where to Watch "Go to the Mountains and Sea"
TencentVideo SubscriptionCast & Role
Yan Kuang Tu
(Zhang Zhi Lin)
Qu Min Miao
(Chen Xi Xi)
Qiu Feng
(Qiu Feng)
Zhi Chen
(Yang Li Jing)