The Irresistible Boyfriend

Plot Synopsis

The story follows Gu Xin'tian, a young woman who unexpectedly loses 8 years of her memory due to an accident. To her surprise, she discovers that she now has three boyfriends at her company - the CEO Ying Yucheng, the director Han Qiangyu, and the inteChen Xingchuan, each with a vastly differentpersonality.

Gu Xin'tian is forced to hide the fact that she has lost her memory and is dating multiple men. While trying to recover her lost memories, she must confront her "30-year-old" self using the mindset of her "22-year-old" self. Caught in the web of love and career challenges, Gu Xin'tian gradually comes to understand the true meaning of love. Summoning her courage, she faces and acknowledges her mistakes, ultimately finding both love andpersonal growth.

Where to Watch "The Irresistible Boyfriend"

TencentVideo (Subscription)