Plot Synopsis
In the early Republican era, warlords were divided and wars for fame andprofit broke out frequently, leaving the commonpeople displaced and devastated by the ravages of war. In one battle, General Liu Zirui of the Sheng family army was betrayed, and he single-handedly defended Muchen city for two days and nights. While heprotected the civilians, Liu Zirui was grievously wounded, and several thousand of his Sheng family troops were wiped out. Soon, rumors spread in Muchen that Liu Zirui was defeated because his fiancée Zhong Wanruo had betrayed him...
Cast & Role
Ni Zi
(Feng Huan Huan)
Mu Shao Li
(Wen Yuan)
Xia Jun
(Yu Yang)
Xia Ru Bing
(Xu Ruo Tong)