Plot Synopsis
In the capital city, the daughter of a wealthy businessman, Lu Nanyi, and the aristocratic young master Lin Qingqiu had beenplaying together since they were young, and the two had a very good relationship, with apromise to be together.
However, one day, Lin Qingqiu wrote a letter to say goodbye to Lu Nanyi, and the twoparted ways. A year later, they met again, and Lin Qingqiu had alreadypassed the imperial examination and become theprefect of Jinzhou, while Lu Nanyi had also become a verypopular writer.
As soon as Lin Qingqiu took office, he worked very hard, but Lu Nanyi was involved in a murder case because of the story book she had written. When they met again, they were both very angry and began toplay tricks on each other.
But in theprocess of investigating the case and finding the truth, they rekindled their feelings for each other.