Plot Synopsis
"Limited 72 Hours of Love" is a romantic drama series. The story revolves around a career-focused young woman who, on her birthday, experiences a breakupwith her boyfriend and ends upbuying a mysterious blind box. To her surprise, the blind box contains magicalproperties that can conjure updifferent types of boyfriends.
Theplot starts with the female lead's first love story. Her first blind box boyfriend is apopular male celebrity. The two enjoy a sweet relationship, with the male star not only keeping her company during happy times, but also bravely acknowledging their relationshipin a live broadcast, shielding her frompressure from his agency and fans. This storyline fulfills many fans' fantasies of dating their idols.
As theplot develops, the female lead continues to open more blind boxes, encountering a variety of exceptional gentlemen. Each boyfriend has their own unique characteristics - not only are they handsome and talented, but they are also gentle and considerate. From thispoint, she embarks on a fantastical journey of blind box boyfriends.
Cast & Role
Fei Mi
(Li Jia Bing)
Zhang Da Bao
(Qian Si Yi)
Ma Da
(Zhang Lei)
Shi Jing
(Pan Yue)