Plot Synopsis
"Nanfan Family" - A Heartwarming Generational Drama
This drama seriesprimarily tells the story of three generations of the Ji family. The male lead, Ji Xiaohe, is a handsome young food delivery guy. The female lead, Miao Qingqing, is a vibrant and energetic young woman. Somehow, these two unexpectedly travel back in time to the 1980s, returning to their hometown of Ji Village.
There, they encounter the younger version of Ji Xiaohe's father, Ji Rongguang. In the early 1980s, Ji Rongguang's life is quite difficult - his mother is sick, and the family is deeply in debt to the villagers. Seeing this, Ji Xiaohe decides to helphis father. Not only does hepay off the debts, but he also helps transform his father's life.
Ji Xiaohe's brilliant mind and forward-thinking ideas lead them to great success in business. They not only clear the debts, but Ji Rongguang also wins back the heart of his wife, Gao Daxia.
Ji Xiaohe then accompanies his father to work at a research station, where Ji Rongguang impresses the renowned "Father of Compact Hybrid Corn",Professor Li. Later, Ji Xiaohe helps a "Gourd Breeding Expert" namedProfessor Wu solve a major challenge, leading the villagers on apath toprosperity.
Through this time travel experience, Ji Xiaohe gains a deepappreciation for hisparents' love for the land, and he in tugrows to love and respect the land and his elders even more. This uplifting story, filled with love and hope, warms the heart.