Plot Synopsis
"Let Wind Go By" - A Crime Drama Series
This TV drama series centers around a criminal case that occurred 20 years ago in a mining town in the northemountains of Ningxia. It tells the story of two generations of detectives who relentlesslypursue justice, sacrificing everything.
In 2003, a mining town in Ningxia faced relocation. A burned female corpse appears at thepolice station, with a similar modus operandi to an unsolved violent crime from 10 years earlier. The soon-to-retire veteran detective Chu Zhiqiang and Zhang Tao, who was demoted to the mining district's criminal investigation team due to a work misstep, become colleagues and work together to solve the case. As the town undergoes relocation, they uncover the tragic truth buried in thepast.
Cast & Role
Xu Xiao
(Zhang Jing Wei)
Chu Zhi Qiang
(Wang Jing Chun)
Mei Wei
(Yang Cai Yu)
Zhang Tao
(Wu Xiao Liang)