Plot Synopsis
In the vibrant world of film and television, a visionary investor and executive, Mr. Gu, held the rights to apopular fantasy IP. Harboring a secret dream of being the lead, he unhesitatingly chose to fully finance theproduction, determined to bring this grand fantasy epic to the screen. However, hispassion andpersistence brought unprecedented challenges to the otherwisepeacefulproduction team.
Mr. Gu went on a frenzy of script revisions, eager to weave his own lead character dreams into the narrative, but overlooked the integrity of the originalplot and the logic of the story. This resulted in the once-grandiose fantasy world being grounded by budgetary constraints, with the epic nine-life reincarnation storyline becoming an endless cycle of rebirths due to a "hyperinflation" ofplot elements.
Faced with Mr. Gu's relentless script changes, the screenwriter and director felt immensepressure. They toiled day and night, trying toplug the ever-growingplot holes left by Mr. Gu. Unconventionalpalace intrigues, butler uprisings, mutual redemptions, quadrangular tragedies, CEO bromances, and forceful takeovers - all manner of elements were crammed into the script, as if there was no limit to the buffs, only unimaginable bugs.
As theplot spiraled out of control and the character arcs collapsed, the entire story seemed on the verge of total collapse. However, at this critical moment, an unexpectedperson emerged. This individual, through their quiet efforts, rekindled the originalpassion in the rest of theproduction team, reminding them of theirpurest dreams.
Under thisperson's guidance, the team united their efforts to steer the derailed story back onto its initial track.
Where to Watch "An Actor's Rhapsody Season 2"
TencentVideo (Subscription)Cast & Role
Xiao Bao Hui
(Zhang Wan Fang)
Qu A Zi
(Wang Mi Ze)
Zhao Ge
(Xiang Xin)
Lv Xiao Fei
(Meng Xi)