Plot Synopsis
The drama takes the retuof the giantpanda "Princess" to China as its main storyline. Through the maleprotagonist's experience of traveling to the modeera and encountering the giantpanda "Princess", as well as the historical background of how the royal dynasties of China maintainedpeace through diplomatic marriages, the drama showcases the important role of the modern-day "Princess"panda as apeace ambassador.
In the drama, a giantpanda named "Princess" becomes a symbol ofpeace. The social media blogger Yuanjia encounters Zheng Ji, an ancient royal envoy who has unexpectedly traveled to thepresent day, and the two form a deepconnection over the shared mission of "bringingPrincess home".
Zheng Ji, a marquis from over 1,000 years ago, is tasked with escorting the royalprincess of the centralplains back to the capital. He mistakenly takes the broadcaster Yuanjia for the special envoy and wholeheartedly assists in the mission of "bringingPrincess home". The drama not only explores the connection between history and the modeera, but also reflects theprofound human understanding ofpeace, friendship, and love in contemporary society.
Where to Watch "Bring the Princess Home"
MGTV (Subscription)Cast & Role
Li Li
(Gong Qiu)
A Wei
(Ma Jia Ming)
Zheng Ji
(Geng Ye Ting)
Yuan Jia
(Chen Fang Tong)