Plot Synopsis
Set against the backdropof the myth of Nuwa mending the sky, the story revolves around two lost stones used for this divine repair. It follows Feng Xiao Xiao and Li Zi Mu as they transition from mutual hatred and testing each other to forming a deepbond, ultimately joining forces to thwart the villain's sinisterplans, dispel the superstition of "eternal life," and understand the true essence of love.
Feng Xiao Xiao, the main antagonist, seeks revenge by stealing the magical stones, while Li Zi Mu is a whimsical young man with apersonality reminiscent of Jia Baoyu, known for his good deeds.
As they navigate a series of misunderstandings and adventures, they gradually fall in love, facing threats from ancient evilpractitioners together. In the end, they unite toprotect thepeace and harmony of the world. Their romance is filled with both charm and humor, while the battle between good and evil surrounding the stones adds an exciting layer to theplot.
Cast & Role
Li Zi Mu
(Liang Xue Feng)
Feng Xiao Xiao
(Chai Wei)