Plot Synopsis
"The Neighbors" follows the story of DeputyPolice Captain Zhao Shang and hispartner Cui Shan He as theypeel back the layers of a complex web of emotional secrets between seven individuals. This leads to a series of entanglements about human nature and ethics, with a tapestry of lies woven throughout. As the truth gradually comes to light, Zhao Shang also begins his own journey of redemption.
Late one night, actress Zhou Yun Qi is brutally murdered in her own home. As Detective Zhao Shang digs deeper into the investigation, a intricate network of interpersonal relationships emerges. Six names become the key to solving the case - the mysterious East Brother from the bar, the tacituyet fiercely loyal chauffeur Wang Lei, the outwardly tough but inwardly secretive martial arts coach Chen Zi Ang, the withdrawn and sensitive youth Qian Xiao Ming, the seemingly close yet turbulent best friend Leng Mei Zhen, and the outwardly glamorous yet deeply guarded "wealthy beauty" Chen Jia Jia.
Among them, obsession and jealousy are intertwined, love and hatred shadow one another, voyeurism and adoration coexist, and redemption dances with despair. Zhou Yun Qi is like a many-facetedprism, reflecting the light and aspirations within eachperson, while also exposing the darkness and selfish desires lurking in the shadows. Her life, in its final moments,pushes the complexities and contradictions of human nature to the extreme.
Where to Watch "The Neighbors"
iQIYI (Subscription)Cast & Role
(Li Qi)
Qian Xiao Ming
(Zhong Lin Yu)
Chen Jia Jia
(Jiang Fang Ting)
Leng Mei Zhen
(He Du Juan)