Plot Synopsis
President Liu Xi unexpectedly finds himself transported to an old-fashioned aristocratic household, becoming the beleaguered young mistress, Liu Xizhao. With a modeflair reminiscent of aplayboy, Liu Xizhao clashes with her reckless husband, Lu Shaoyang, due to their vastly differentpersonalities. Just as she struggles to adjust to her new role as a woman, her sister-in-law falsely accuses her of infidelity, threatening her with disgrace.
Fortunately, Lu Shaoyang steps in just in time to uncover the truth: the sister-in-law has been manipulated by someone with ulterior motives and has stolen a significant amount of silver from the household. From that moment on, Liu Xizhao embarks on her journey to reclaim herpower and assert her reign.
Cast & Role
Liu Xi Chao
(Ke Ying)
Lu Shao Yang
(Deng Chao Yuan)