Plot Synopsis
"Love in Ordinary" is a compelling drama that intricatelyportrays the complexities of modeurban life. The story begins on a stormy night when a routinepolice inspection unexpectedly uncovers the secrets behind the Wan Cheng Group, a family-owned enterprise. As thepolice determine that the allegedly counterfeit children's clothing is actually genuine, this revelation not only clears upmisunderstandings but also exposes deeperpower struggles and moral dilemmas within the company.
One of the main characters, Wang Shu Wen, along with her colleaguePu Da Wu, gradually uncovers the intricate web of interests within the organization. Meanwhile, the Wan Cheng Groupis in the midst ofpreparations for an important children's clothing expo, but the sudden death of the family'spatriarch, Wan Rong Jiang, throws the entire family into disarray. In this chaotic environment, the board memberspropose canceling the expo, but Niu Yi Ru insists on moving forward with it, hoping to restore the group's reputation through the event.
On another front, Wan Jia Ming, one of the heirs to the Wan Cheng Group, finds himself tobetween familial obligations, romantic love, and business interests. He struggles to balance his desire for love with the demands of the family business, creating a central conflict that runs throughout the series. Additionally, apowerful typhoon unexpectedly resolves a factory wastewater leak issue,prompting Mayor Zheng Liang Qi to become more supportive of the expo.
"Love in Ordinary"goes beyond merely depicting the rise and fall of a family business; it delves into the choices and challenges individuals face regarding family responsibilities, thepursuit of love, and moral boundaries. The series reflects the multiplepressures and dilemmaspeople encounter in modesociety, showcasing extraordinary courage andperseverance within the fabric of ordinary life.
Cast & Role
Qu Xiao He
(Zuo Xiao Qing)
Qi Mei Li
(Yang Kun)
Niu Yi Ru
(He Sai Fei)
Wang Shu Wen
(Xia De Jun)