Plot Synopsis
**Nineth Uncle Legend**primarily revolves around a series of chilling cases thatplague the thriving riverside town of Baihe during the Republic of China era. These include the Heart Extraction Case of the Twelve Zodiac Animals, the Human Bun Case, the False Accuser Case, the County Magistrate Murder Case, and the Murder of a Fiancé.
The main character, Li Zhengjiu, known as "Nineth Uncle," is skilled at investigating strange occurrences in the community. A year ago, his brother was mysteriously murdered, and Nineth Uncle suspects a connection between this tragedy and the terrifying incidents in Baihe. After a series of heart-pounding investigations, he gradually uncovers the truth behind these cases, but this alsoputs him in grave danger, leaving his life hanging in the balance.
Through theportrayal of these horrific cases, **Nineth Uncle Legend** explores the darker side of society during this era, as well as the existence of supernaturalphenomena. It showcases Nineth Uncle's wisdom and courage as he navigates the complexities of each case. Each episode is filled with suspense and thrilling elements, making the entire storyline both tense and captivating.