Plot Synopsis
Five years ago, Gu Jun Yao's family was brutally murdered in a miscarriage of justice. She has since devoted herself to a mysterious organization, biding her time for revenge, withPrince Yue Jin Chen as her ultimate weapon. Little did she know that the seemingly ethereal andpure figure would tuout to be a deeply calculating adversary, manipulating events while she becomes apawn in his game. As her desires bufiercely amid the dangers of the imperial court, she must decide herpath forward.
Theplot revolves around the tangled love-hate relationshipbetween Gu Jun Yao and Yue Jin Chen, intertwined with themes of family vendettas andpower struggles, creating a complex web of connections.
Carrying the heavy burden of her family's blood feud, Gu Jun Yao returns disguised as aprincess meant for an alliance, only to unexpectedly fall for the veryperson whoplayed a role in her family's downfall. This intertwining tale of love and hate not only tests her emotions but also forces her to navigate the delicate balance between revenge and love.
The story also features other significant characters, such as the infatuated General Zhao Ming and the noblewoman Zhao Li. Their narratives intertwine with theprotagonists, weaving together a rich tapestry of love,power, and vengeance.
Cast & Role
Zhao Li
(Mo Han)
Zhao Ming
(Gao Ming Chen)
Yue Jin Chen
(Yan Zi Xian)
Gu Jun Yao
(He Xuan Lin)