Plot Synopsis
"Fate of Beauty" follows the tumultuous journey of Xia Anle, whose family was unjustly destroyed after being falsely accused by her fiancé, Xiao Yetting. Years later, driven by a desire to restore her family's honor, Anle goes undercover, enduring humiliation and hiding her true identity as she gets closer to her enemies.
During her quest for evidence, she catches the attention of Xiao Murang, leading to a complex web of love, hate, and redemption among the three characters. As their intertwined fates unfold, the initial animosities begin to dissolve through love and understanding. Together, they not only clear Anle’s family name but also leato let go of their grudges, rediscovering themselves and ultimately finding true love in theprocess.
Cast & Role
Xiao Ye Ting
(Yan Zi Xian)
Xiao Mu Ran
(Zhao Huan Ran)