Plot Synopsis
Dual Love tells the story of Xie Tianba, the 'most beautiful woman in the martial world,' who unexpectedly encounters Mo Haoran, the leader of the StormyPavilion. As the two youngpeople navigate the martial arts world, they gradually grow and developfeelings for each other.
Xie Mingyuan, the 'leader of the martial arts alliance,'plans to marry his only daughter, Xie Tianba, to the treacherous Ning Yuanhou as a concubine. In a fit of anger, Xie Tianba leaves her home on Yanhua Mountain, intending to venture into the martial world alone. With no knowledge of the outside world, she finds herself saved by Mo Haoran when she falls into a difficult situation.Possessing the legacy of her mother from the Medicine King Valley, Xie Tianba quickly realizes that Mo Haoran is suffering from a rarepoison called Galanxiang. Out of gratitude and compassion, she helps relieve hispain multiple times, and their bond deepens.
On the day when the righteous sects gather to confront the evil cult, Xie Tianba discovers that her father is not the martial arts leader but rather the infamous antagonist: the cult leader. In order toprotect Yanhua Mountain, she disguises herself among the martial alliance to gather information, only to be led by Mo Haoran, who exploits her trust to guide the righteous forces to attack Yanhua Mountain...