Beloved of a Lifetime

Plot Synopsis

In the enchanting world of "Beloved of a Lifetime", Shang You, a young maiden of the Spirit Clan, faces tragedy on the day of her wedding when her entire clan is annihilated. Just before her nuptials, she saves Si Yuan, thepowerful king of the Underworld, unaware that fate has entwined their destinies.

To resurrect her fallen kin, Shang You disguises herself as a deer demon named Meng Li and infiltrates the Underworld, aiming to steal Si Yuan'sprecious Amber Heart. As she navigates this treacherouspath, she unexpectedly develops deepfeelings for her swoenemy. Tobetween her love for Si Yuan and her mission to revive her clan, Shang You struggles with her conscience.

In a climactic twist, she is forced to confront the truth about her enemies, ultimately discovering that her real adversary lies elsewhere. As love and duty collide, Shang You and Si Yuan must unite toprotect all living beings from a greater threat, redefining their roles in a world filled with danger and deception.

Where to Watch "Beloved of a Lifetime"

WeTV (Subscription)TencentVideo (Subscription)

Cast & Role

Yuan Qian Yin

Yuan Qian Yin
(Jiao Xue Rui)

Feng Shan Cha

Feng Shan Cha
(Yin Rui)

Mo Lan

Mo Lan
(Xie An Ran)

Zhong Li Li

Zhong Li Li
(Shang You)