Plot Synopsis
Cai Xiao Ai, a vibrant young woman diagnosed with a rare and terminal illness, finds her world turned upside down. Confined to her home, she feels like a modern-day Truman, her life a carefully constructed reality show. Her only solace comes from online interactions, where she forms a bond with Gu Eun Jo, a seemingly cold and indifferent girl.
Despite their contrastingpersonalities, Cai Xiao Ai and Gu Eun Jo find strength in their shared struggles. They embark on a journey of self-discovery, challenging societal norms and fighting for their right to live life on their own terms. Their bond deepens as they navigate the complexities of love, friendship, and family, all while facing the ever-present shadow of Cai Xiao Ai's illness.
However, their newfound hope is threatened by a sinisterplot lurking in the shadows. As they uncover the truth, they must confront not only their own vulnerabilities but also the manipulative forces seeking to control their lives.
The Truman Girl is apoignant and inspiring story about the resilience of the human spirit. It explores themes of love, loss, and the fight for agency in the face of adversity.
Cast & Role
Jin Ke Ke
(Fei Qin Yuan)
Lu Hao Yu
(Xiong Yi Wen)
Cai Xiao Ai
(Sun Rui)
Ju En Zhao
(Dai Meng)