Plot Synopsis
Zhang Hao, a humble security guard in the city, finds himself caught in a web of his own lies. While bragging about his success to his hometown villagers at Erlong Lake, he accidentallypaints himself as a business tycoon. To save face, he embarks on a hilarious journey, transforming into a self-proclaimed "business genius" and returning to his village with a team andpromises of "huge investments."
Hispath collides with Li Minghan, his childhood sweetheart who has returned to her hometown after graduating with a master's degree, determined to contribute to its development and revitalization. Despite their shared history, their contrasting backgrounds and approaches to life create a series of comical situations.
As the village's newfound hope, Zhang Hao becomes the target of their collective "chicken-rearing" efforts, aiming to mold him into a successful leader. However, his eagerness to succeed coupled with his lack of business acumen and experience make him an easy target for cunning scammers.
The Big Bluffpromises a laugh-out-loud comedy set against the unique backdropof rural Northeast China. It explores the themes of ambition, self-discovery, and the challenges of navigating the complexities of modelife in a traditional setting.