The Killer Bride

Plot Synopsis

In "The Amnesiac Assassin," we follow the journey of Yue Yao, a teenage assassin struggling with amnesia. At the age of sixteen, she embarks on her first assassination mission, tasked by her master to eliminate the ruthless General He Yun Xing of the Fourteenth Yamen.

Yue Yao infiltrates the general's mansion to carry out her mission but fails spectacularly, only to find herself manipulated into becoming He Yun Xing's newlywed bride. To fulfill her assassination goal, she mustplay the role of his wife, navigating the treacherous waters of the general's world.

As mysterious murders begin to occur within the mansion, Yue Yao becomes theprime suspect. Thepressure mounts, and amidst the chaos, she starts to regain fragments of her lost memories. However, she remains unaware that she has unwittingly become entangled in a vast conspiracy that threatens her life and those around her.

In this thrilling tale of deception, identity, and survival, Yue Yao must confront herpast while fighting to uncover the truth behind the deadly intrigue surrounding her.

Where to Watch "The Killer Bride"

iQIYI (Subscription)YOUKU (优酷) (Subscription)

Cast & Role

Gu Shao Zhen
(Zhu Min Xin)

Li Chang Ning
(Zhang Yi Ke)

Si Yue Yao
(Lin Si Yi)

He Yun Xing
(Li Jun Chen)