Welcome to Milele Village" TV Drama: Exciting Finale and Unexpected Events Unfold
The TV drama "Welcome to Milele Village" is reaching its grand finale, accompanied by a series of unfortunate events. One involves Jiang Da Qiao being shot and narrowly escaping death, while the other involves Wu Mei experiencing excessive fatigue, resulting in a miscarriage and the loss of their child. In truth, Wu Mei didn't have to exhaust herself so much, but she was simply too determined.
Zu Feng, who plays Jiang Da Qiao, suffered severe injuries this time and was called back to the country. As a result, the position of captain fell to Ma Jia. Wu Mei needs some time to recover, and during this period, if she applies to return to the country, she should be able to do so.
However, at that time, Jiang Da Qiao felt as if his body had become lighter, as if he could jump and pluck a white cloud from the sky, weaving it into a pure white wedding dress to drape over Sister Zhu. But Jiang Da Qiao couldn't directly ask Sister Zhu if she would accompany him back to the country.
How many decades does one have in life? Especially when he and Sister Zhu have already reached middle age, they are not young lovers who can unreservedly freeze their emotions for ten years. Jiang Da Qiao isn't that selfish, so if Sister Zhu chooses to stay in Africa, before parting, he only wants to be her confidant and clearly states that he will sever any emotional ties between them. After all, there is someone waiting by Sister Zhu's side.
Moreover, Sister Zhu has her own business in Africa, and Jiang Da Qiao doesn't have the face to ask her to return to the country with him. Therefore, Jiang Da Qiao has been waiting for Sister Zhu to make a decision and he won't make any requests.
As a result, when it comes to parting, Jiang Da Qiao feels reluctant and anxious, but not a single word asking Sister Zhu to return to the country escapes his lips. Jiang Da Qiao may be a coward, but he truly loves Sister Zhu and doesn't want her to be caught in a dilemma because of him.
Fortunately, Sister Zhu has already gained Jiang Yao's approval, so after returning to the country, she won't have to exert energy dealing with the relationship between Jiang Yao and herself.