Devil Falls in Love with Fairy" - A Romantic Fantasy Drama Series

The drama series "Devil Falls in Love with Fairy" consists of 25 episodes in the genres of romance, historical costume, and fantasy. It stars Guan Li and Tu Zhi Ying. The story follows He Yi Huan, an interactive movie critic who enters a virtual reality (VR) world where she becomes the blood wife of Xuan Ming, a member of the night clan. To return to reality, she must overcome five great trials and prevent Xuan Ming from succumbing to darkness and becoming the Lord of Destruction.

As they face numerous challenges together, He Yi Huan gradually falls in love with the seemingly cold but passionate Xuan Ming. However, even greater calamities loom on the horizon. The drama series "Rabbit Fairy Princess" comprises 24 episodes in the genres of romance, historical costume, and fantasy. It stars Yang Fu Yu and Yu Fei Fan. The story revolves around a young rabbit fairy named Bai Zai Zai, who accidentally enters the palace in her quest for revenge on behalf of her master. She becomes the guard of the second prince, Liu Chang Ge.

As they spend time together, their bond grows from acquaintance to love. Liu Chang Ge helps Bai Zai Zai avenge her master's death, while Bai Zai Zai assists Liu Chang Ge in overcoming challenges within the treacherous palace. Together, they defeat the royal tutor Shen Yi and other princes.

The drama series "My Mermaid Brother" consists of 24 episodes in the genres of romance, historical costume, and fantasy. It stars Guan Jin Lin, Shen Huai, and Zhao Yuan. The story follows Lin Wei Xu, a powerful female musician who conquers the nation of Nan Zhao and gains immense influence. One day, she encounters a merman named Fu Su, who is being mistreated by the Ministry of Justice. Out of compassion, she rescues him, but unexpectedly, they become entangled with each other.

From that point on, they embark on a journey of healing and mutual affection. Together, they uncover the truth behind the murder of Lin Wei Xu's former mentor and eliminate the traitors within the court.