The Forensic Examiner Song Ci: A Popular Historical Suspense Drama

"The Lotus Tower," a popular historical suspense drama that gained immense popularity during this summer, has garnered both critical acclaim and high viewership with its captivating suspenseful storyline and impressive action scenes. Not only that, but netizens have expressed their enthusiasm for the drama, stating that they have watched it multiple times. On December 26th, "The Forensic Examiner Song Ci" will be released on the Youku streaming platform. It is a period drama that combines martial arts and mystery-solving, following the adventures of Song Ci, a young prodigy in forensic science, as he encounters various intriguing cases in the treacherous world of the imperial court and martial arts.

Directed by Yan Kun, the drama features Sun Ze Yuan and Chen Xin Yu in the leading roles, with a special appearance by Dong Xuan. Despite being a web series with minimal promotion, it has garnered significant attention. Chen Xin Yu, born in 1993, plays the female lead and made a memorable impression on viewers with her brief appearance as Xiang Liu in the first part of "Longing for You."

Prior to this, there have been several film and TV adaptations based on Song Ci, such as the 1997 version "Song Ci: Breaking the Prison" starring Zhang Zhiming, the 1999 TVB series "The Investigator Clears His Name" starring Bobby Au Yeung and Marianne Chan, the 2005 drama "The Great Song Imperial Judge" starring He Bing, as well as the film series "Song Ci: Clearing the Name," "Forensic Song Ci," and "The Divine Umbrella of Song Ci's Courtroom" among others.

Song Ci, relying on his rigorous logic and extensive knowledge of forensic medicine, became a renowned forensic expert in Chinese history. His work, "Collected Cases of Injustice Rectified," pioneered the field of forensic medicine worldwide.