The Lonely Warrior: A Gripping Crime Thriller Unfolding a Twelve-Year Journey
The movie "The Lonely Warrior," produced by Chen Sicheng, directed by Dai Mo, and written by Zhang Ji, stars Zhang Yi in the lead role, with special appearances by Li Chen, Wei Chen, Cao Bingkun, Wang Xiao, and Zhang Zixian. The film revolves around a robbery, rape, and murder case that occurred in 2002. Unexpectedly, the suspect Wang Da Yong, who was injured after being beaten by the crowd, dies during the interrogation process of "The Lonely Warrior." As a result, five policemen, including Cheng Bing (played by Zhang Yi), are imprisoned, which changes their lives forever.
After Cheng Bing is released from prison, he decides to continue the pursuit of the murderer, embarking on a twelve-year-long journey. The plot explores themes of family, money, love, and health. Cheng Bing has numerous reasonable reasons to stop and give up, but he leaves behind common human sentiments and refuses to turn back because he is Cheng Bing, carrying the mission of "The Lonely Warrior."
Persisting for years and traveling thousands of miles to capture Wang Er Yong and fulfill the mission of "The Lonely Warrior," Cheng Bing's obsession leads him throughout the country. This is ultimately a story of personal heroism, but the film chooses a realistic approach, without overly glorifying Cheng Bing's character. He doesn't possess extraordinary tracking skills or exceptional luck, as producer Chen Sicheng stated, "I believe that crime is not its central label. It tells a story about choices in life through a police officer's pursuit of a criminal." Check out the movie theater poster for the #WinterMovieWatchingPlan#.