Blossoms Shanghai: A Contemporary Urban Drama Directed by Wong Kar-wai

"Blossoms Shanghai" is a contemporary urban drama directed and produced by Wong Kar-wai. It features a stellar cast including Hu Ge, Ma Yi Li, Tang Yan, Xin Zhi Lei, Zheng Kai, You Ben Chang, Chen Long, Dong Yong, Wu Yue, Chen Guo Qing, Jiang Yi Lei, Huang Jue, Fan Tian Tian, Dai Jun, Zeng Mei Hui Zi, Tong Chen Jie, Wang Ju, Yu En Tai, Chen Guan Ning, Yang Hao Yu, Shao Feng, Zhang Jian Ya, Cheng Liang, Wang Yi, Zhang Yu Lin, and more.

In other words, the visual expression in the series consistently revolves around Wong Kar-wai's distinctive style, disregarding the essence of the original work. The personalized and emotional use of the trademark sunglasses shots, with their occasional shaking and close-ups, along with the intense and dim warm color palette, are all present. This approach effectively simulates a sense of immediacy, emphasizes unease, and creates intense dramatic conflicts and love-hate relationships.

However, the original "Blossoms Shanghai" novel lacks the strong emotional expression found in the adaptation. Instead, it evokes a sense of indifference and lamentation, as if witnessing a towering building today and seeing it collapse tomorrow. Creation is not about copying and pasting. Wong Kar-wai's bold and vivid stream-of-consciousness shooting techniques may be suitable for portraying the emotional conflicts of the underworld and assassins, but they may not be suitable for depicting ordinary individuals within the grand narrative of a specific era.

It's similar to how the same director cannot make a film like "To Live" when attempting to film "Happy Together," and vice versa. Hopefully, if Wong Kar-wai chooses to direct another TV drama or film in the future, he will either continue to select scripts that play to his strengths or have the courage to break free from this template and innovate. Otherwise, we may witness a repetition of the current situation where substantial investment results in a stereotypical portrayal of an imagined Huanghe Road.