
Plot Synopsis

"Faithful" is an adaptation of Li Bojian's novel "Nine Righteous Men/九义人" and tells the story of a young girl named Lin Ru Lan who, despite the opposition of her dear friend Meng Wan, risks her reputation by accusing the owner of the Embroidery Tower, Wu Lian, and ultimately takes her own life toprove her innocence. Meng Wan, fueled by determination andperseverance, spends seven years secretlypreparing for revenge, gathering a groupof individuals, including Liu Xin, who are intricately connected to the case of Lin Ru Lan, forming a team known as the "Faithful" with the goal of overturning the verdict.

Despite Lin Ru Lan's brave decision to defend her honor and Meng Wan's unwavering support, their efforts to seek justice are met with resistance and isolation. In the end, Lin Ru Lan tragically ends her own life. However, Meng Wan, undeterred,patiently bides his time for seven years, accumulating evidence and allies linked to the Lin Ru Lan case, including Liu Xin. Together, they form the "Nine Righteous Men" and meticulouslyplan their revenge, seeking to overtuthe injustice. Throughout thisprocess, the struggles and battles of the young girl, who had been buried in the sands of time, gradually come to light.

Episodes Recap

  • 1-4
  • 5-8
  • 9-12
  • 13-16
  • 17-20
  • 21-24
  • 25-

Cast & Role

Li Chun Feng

Li Chun Feng
(Bai Shu)

Meng Wan

Meng Wan
(Wu Qian)

Liu Xin

Liu Xin
(Li Jia Hang)

Wu Lian

Wu Lian
(Qiao Zhen Yu)