Plot Synopsis
"Against the Light" is a modeworkplace drama starring Zhang Hanyu and Lan Yingying. It revolves around the fashion jewelry industry and tells the story of a girl named Bai Xinning who bears a family mission. She assumes a false identity and enters the jewelry giant Dongchen Group, becoming entangled in thepower struggle between the capital tycoon Li Zhuoran and Lin Yi, a former subordinate of Dongchen. With her intelligence and courage, Bai Xinning eventually uncovers the truth behind an old wrongful case and embarks on a journey of success and counterattack with her extraordinary talent andperseverance.
At the age of 10, Bai Xinning experienced a family tragedy that led her to fall from being the heiress of a jewelry conglomerate to apoor girl. She was sent to Australia and adopted by an ordinary Chinese couple, cutting off all contact with China. However, as she grew up, she gradually learned about her mother's imprisonment due to a frame-up, and she secretly vowed to retuto China to seek justice for her mother. Fifteen years later, with dual master's degrees, Xinning concealed her identity and entered the Chen Dong Group, which once belonged to her mother. She became embroiled in thepower struggle between the capital tycoon Li Zhuoran and Lin Yi, a former subordinate of Dongchen. In the end, Xinning used her intelligence and courage to uncover the truth behind the wrongful case and firmly establish herself in the jewelry empire.
Episodes Recap
- 1-4
- 5-8
- 9-12
- 13-16
- 17-20
- 21-24
- 25-28
- 29-32
- 33-36
- 37-40
- 41-44
- 45-
Episode 1 : Bai Xinning returned to her home country and encountered Lin Yi while setting up a stall.
Episode 2 : Dongchen Group is facing a business crisis.
Episode 3 : Lin Zhe and Bai Xin Ning meet each other.
Episode 4 : Bai Xinin's design for the ring set was recognized.
Episode 5 : Bai Xinin accepted the challenge to increase sales volume.
Episode 6 : Ban Director-General was demoted.
Episode 7 :
Episode 8 : Lin Yi regains control of Dongchen's business.
Episode 9 : The factory manager discovered that the products were suspected of being tampered with.
Episode 10 : Bai Xin Ning spoke the truth and exposed the false accusations.
Episode 11 : Bai Xin Ning faced difficulties and harassment at the company.
Episode 12 : Bai Xin Ning found herself embroiled in another public controversy.
Episode 13 : Bai Xin Ning and Ariana engage in a competition.
Episode 14 : Lin Zhe gives advice to Bai Xin Ning.
Episode 15 : Bai Xin Ning's work is appreciated by Qu Man.
Episode 16 : Qu Man's parking lot incident, Bai Xin Ning is wrongly accused.
Episode 17 : Bai Xin Ning's promotion brings new challenges.
Episode 18 : Bai Xi Nin managed to impress Song Cheng.
Episode 19 : Bai Xinning encounters a crisis at work.
Episode 20 : Bai Xinin found out who the leaker was.
Episode 21 : Dongchen Diamonds have once again encountered quality issues.
Episode 22 : The director of the procurement department wants to sell his shares.
Episode 23 : Dazzling Jewelry is facing internal and external challenges.
Episode 24 : Bai Xinning wants to reestablish her own studio.
Episode 25 : Ye Xiao Qing is given another "spy" mission.
Episode 26 : Bai Xininggao is clever and deals with Tao Le Qi.
Episode 27 : Lin Yi has obtained important documents related to Di Mei.
Episode 28 : Bai Xinning decides to deal with the financial director.
Episode 29 : Lin Zhe got injured while protecting Bai Xin Ning.
Episode 30 : Lin Zhe became the Deputy Director of the Finance Department.
Episode 31 : Luli Diamond receives professional recognition.
Episode 32 : The Bai Xin Ning team is facing a crisis of layoffs.
Episode 33 : Bai Xin Ning deliberately lost the design competition.
Episode 34 : Lin Yi told Bai Xin Ning the truth about the past.
Episode 35 : Bai Xin Ning has become a thorn in everyone's side.
Episode 36 : Lin Yi was taken to the police station for questioning.
Episode 37 : Bai Xinin's honest act of picking up the gold added to the company's reputation.
Episode 38 : Bai Xinin's identity was made public.
Episode 39 : Lin Zhe's life hung by a thread as he was kidnapped.
Episode 40 : Lin Yi teamed up with the CFO to put on a great show.
Cast & Role
Gu Xing Yan
(Lan Ying Ying)
Tang Wan Rong
(Wang Ji)
Lin Zhe
(Zhao Bing Rui)
Meng Xiao Xiao
(Xu Xiao Sa)
1. The attire and demeanor of adults, portraying a kindergarten version of business warfare. The male leads in the business war are truly, truly immature in terms of character design. The female lead is like an unruly, headache-inducing doll, and there's a "little brother with a golden finger" who claims that no more than three people in the world can crack his program, along with a male best friend with incredible abilities, capable of hacking finances; not even the Earth can stop them.
2. Let's take stock of the laughable business war IQ of the weaklings:
(1) The chairman seeks a workshop that is "frequently used" to outsource the production of rings, bribing transportation personnel to switch and entrap project teams.
The self-introduced diamond supplier repeatedly replaces contractually agreed natural diamonds with synthetic diamonds, pocketing the price difference. It's so obvious, and yet many people are aware of these actions.
(2) The sales director, who comes from a marketing background and knows how to use password-cracking software, surprisingly doesn't recognize the large camera directly facing their office desk and gets caught red-handed.
Is this really what they call a business war?
The company's public office areas usually have surveillance cameras, and a trivial matter turned into a mystery. And they don't even set passwords for their computers? They deserve the consequences because basic confidentiality is a requirement for the company, especially for a design company.
After watching this television drama about jewelry for so long, I can't help but feel that the jewelry worn by the characters is too low-end. They are all gold and pearl jewelry with outdated styles.
Even as board members, they should be wearing something more sophisticated. At the appreciation banquet of Saint World Venture, the necklace worn by the protagonist was still a silver chain instead of a Paparazzi or a high-quality one.
The jewelry of the female lead is truly cheap-looking. Please, production team, be more generous when it comes to jewelry.
The female lead has no money, doesn't know many people, and lacks social status, yet she manages to establish a foundation just based on a few acts of kindness? It's a decent TV drama, but the actors' efforts to promote the female lead feel too forced and make it seem unrealistic, which can be off-putting.
Is that information reliable? It's written so clearly. She lived with her foster parents in London at the age of 9 and then moved to Canada when she grew up.
Shouldn't they investigate in the UK? They've thoroughly checked her university classmates, so doesn't that make her even more suspicious?
Regarding the character Qu Man, from what I see so far, if all entertainers in reality were like her, becoming arrogant, rude, stubbornly opinionated, and magnifying and intensifying their personality flaws, then such an entertainer would truly be kicked out of the industry.