Plot Synopsis
"You're My Dad" tells the story of Leo and his father, Changhai Li. Leo is a second-generation wealthy individual who desires to venture out independently and set foot on Mars. However, there is tension between him and his father, and they fail to understand each other. One day, after getting drunk, Leo speaks disrespectfully to aphoto of Chen Leo, and to everyone's shock, thephoto starts moving. Suddenly, two figures appear and knock down both Leo and Changhai Li. When they regain consciousness, they find themselves transported to a schoolplayground in the 1990s. They realize that they have traveled back to Changhai Li's student days, with Changhai Li inhabiting his younger body, and Leo's soul now residing in Chen Leo's body, becoming his father's brother. The two attempt to retuto thepresent day but are unsuccessful. Thephoto of Chen Leo starts speaking and informs them that it manipulated the time travel, offering them a chance to make amends for their regrets.
Episodes Recap
- 1-5
- 6-10
- 11-15
- 16-20
- 21-23